18650 power lithium battery and ordinary lithium battery difference

18650 power lithium battery and ordinary lithium battery difference

The 18650 Power lithium battery is a lithium-ion battery model number 18650, which is mainly used to provide high power output equipment and tools. The following is the CSIT 18650 power lithium battery manufacturer about some of the characteristics and applications of 18650 power lithium battery to share some instructions:

Power output: 18650 power lithium batteries usually have a large capacity and high power output capacity, which can meet the needs of high energy consumption equipment. They are capable of providing a reliable power supply, suitable for power tools, electric vehicles, drones and other devices that require a large amount of energy output.

Capacity and voltage: The capacity of the 18650 power lithium battery will vary between different models, generally between 1000 mAh and 3500mAh. They are usually output at a standard voltage of 3.6V or 3.7V, providing stable power.

Charge and discharge performance: 18650 power lithium battery has good charge and discharge performance, which can quickly absorb and release electric energy. They can be charged in a short time and output power at a high current, which is suitable for those devices that have a high demand for electricity.

Versatility: The 18650 power lithium battery is a common standard-size battery, so it is easy to find and use in the market in a variety of devices that support the 18650 specification. This versatility makes the 18650 battery a wide choice for many different applications for easy replacement and repair.

It should be noted that when using 18650 power lithium batteries, you should follow the correct charging and use rules, avoid excessive discharge and overcharging, and choose reliable brands and suppliers that meet quality standards and certifications. This ensures the performance and safety of the battery.


The difference between 18650 power lithium batteries and ordinary lithium batteries is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Usage: 18650 power lithium battery is mainly used for high-power equipment and tools, such as power tools, electric vehicles and other equipment requiring a large amount of energy output. Ordinary lithium batteries are more used in low-power electronic devices, such as alarm clocks, remote controls, flashlights, etc.

Capacity and power: The 18650 power lithium battery generally has a larger capacity and higher power output capacity, which can provide longer service time and greater current output. The capacity and power of ordinary lithium batteries are usually small.

Size and shape: The 18650 power lithium battery is named after the specification size "18650" in its name, which is about 18 mm in diameter and about 65 mm in length, in a cylindrical shape. Ordinary lithium batteries have a variety of specifications and shapes, such as cylindrical, square, flat and so on.

Charge and discharge performance: 18650 power lithium batteries usually have better charge and discharge performance, and can absorb and release electrical energy more quickly. The charge and discharge performance of ordinary lithium batteries is relatively weak.

It should be noted that different brands and models of batteries may differ in performance and characteristics, and the above is the difference in general. When using batteries, select the appropriate battery type according to the requirements and recommended specifications of the device.

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