Electric airport vehicles:Why only lithium batteries will be used in the future?

  Electric airport vehicles:Why only lithium batteries will be used in the future?

       Following the automotive industry and logistics industry,the future of the entire ground support equipment will also be characterized by electrification.

  Airport electric vehicles choose new lithium batteries to replace traditional batteries because they need to improve the performance of the vehicle,minimize maintenance costs,and thereby increase the flexibility of its use.

  The introduction of lithium technology,especially the introduction of flash lithium batteries,represents a revolution in the entire field of ground equipment.

  Why will airports of the future only use lithium technology?


  Global trends in the ground support equipment(GSE)industry demonstrate the need to improve the efficiency of existing ground support equipment and vehicles at airports around the world.

  In fact,various studies show that in airport areas,traditional diesel or lead-acid battery vehicles will soon be completely replaced by electric vehicles powered by lithium batteries.

  Following the automotive industry and logistics industry,future air transportation,or rather the entire ground support equipment,will be characterized by electrification.

  Lithium battery technology makes conversion possible

  To understand the reasons for this change of direction,it is best to understand how CSIT Battery lithium batteries work and analyze their distinguishing characteristics from traditional lithium batteries.

  First,we must remember that traditional batteries involve high maintenance and system costs.Ordinary maintenance associated with the need to frequently add water and remove oxides from the elements and electrodes is one of the major costs.

  However,with new lithium technology developed by Chinese CSIT lithium battery manufacturer,lithium batteries produce no gas,require no water,and eliminate maintenance costs.In other words,using CSIT Battery lithium batteries eliminates any type of additional cost.

  On the other hand,the flash battery control electronics keep each flash battery lithium battery balanced and efficient from all angles,eliminating the need for any routine maintenance.

  Furthermore,its special internal structure and combination balance allow for on-site assistance,reducing any machine downtime to a minimum and eliminating the need for specialist personnel.Any inspection can be performed directly by the user.As a result,onerous costs arising from possible interruptions to production lines can even be eliminated.

  Ground support equipment equipped with traditional lead batteries takes 8 to 10 hours to fully charge,which obviously has a significant impact on the efficiency of the vehicle as it involves longer downtime.

  Traditional lead-acid batteries do not allow quick or partial charging.If carried out for a long time,it will cause the battery to deteriorate.In order to avoid a significant shortening of its life,it is not allowed to be used.However,with the use of CSIT Battery lithium batteries,fleets circulating in airports benefit from considerable flexibility of use due to their fast charging capabilities.

  But how long does the charging phase of CSIT BATTERY lithium battery last?

  Our lithium battery pack can be charged to 50%in just 30 minutes and fully charged in just 2 hours(including balancing).Due to these properties,the CSIT Battery team designed the battery to eliminate the long pauses typically required for charging,as partial charging of the Flash Battery battery(infant feeding)can take place during operator pauses or in less crowded situations than at airports.

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  Obviously,similar technology can significantly improve the productivity and efficiency of vehicles using it during peak usage periods.

  Therefore,maintenance-free and lithium-ion batteries can be quickly charged,enabling 24/7 uninterrupted operation,making the entire fleet relatively more efficient.

  Another revolutionary aspect of CSIT Battery lithium batteries is the remote control system that traditional lead batteries or ordinary lithium batteries lack.With flash batteries,the health of each battery can be known at all times with the help of a remote monitoring system,preventing anomalies and/or failures and avoiding annoying machine downtime.

  To ensure this valuable continuous monitoring function,software created entirely by CSIT Battery receives,controls and analyzes data on battery function on a daily basis.In the event of unusual or abusive user behavior,a warning report will be sent to Flash Battery Service.Therefore,any malfunction can be prevented even if the cause of the problem cannot be seen by the user.

  In this way,downtime costs can be eliminated and the overall efficiency of the airport itself can be improved.

  Another aspect that needs to be considered that highlights the superiority of the lithium battery system designed by CSIT Battery is the use environment.In fact,under extreme climatic conditions,the performance of ordinary lithium batteries may decrease,resulting in a decrease in the efficiency of the vehicle in which they are used.

  On the other hand,flash memory batteries ensure normal operation in various climate and temperature conditions from-30°C to+45°C through heating and cooling systems.

  In fact,the ability of our lithium batteries to self-manage temperature preserves battery life and ensures maximum vehicle efficiency.

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